JYP's Musical Journey Celebrated as Wonder Girl...
Wonder Girls' Sunye, Sunmi, and Yubin made a dazzling appearance on KBS2's special program "Danttara JYP," which aired on the evening of the 16th. The trio showcased their enduring charm...
JYP's Musical Journey Celebrated as Wonder Girl...
Wonder Girls' Sunye, Sunmi, and Yubin made a dazzling appearance on KBS2's special program "Danttara JYP," which aired on the evening of the 16th. The trio showcased their enduring charm...
Nmix's Haewon Faces Accusations of Partial Comm...
MC Jeon Hyun-moo raised concerns about biased commentary directed at Nmix's Haewon during the October 16th broadcast of MBC's Idol Star Athletics Championships. The incident has sparked discussions among fans...
Nmix's Haewon Faces Accusations of Partial Comm...
MC Jeon Hyun-moo raised concerns about biased commentary directed at Nmix's Haewon during the October 16th broadcast of MBC's Idol Star Athletics Championships. The incident has sparked discussions among fans...
Comedian Lee Soo-min and her husband Won Hyuk a...
Celebrated couple Lee Soo-min and Won Hyuk announce they are expecting their first child just five months after their wedding, delighting fans and sparking a wave of congratulatory messages. Their...
Comedian Lee Soo-min and her husband Won Hyuk a...
Celebrated couple Lee Soo-min and Won Hyuk announce they are expecting their first child just five months after their wedding, delighting fans and sparking a wave of congratulatory messages. Their...
EXO's Baekhyun Apologizes for Indoor Smoking In...
EXO's Baekhyun issues an apology for indoor smoking amidst backlash from fans. His agency, INB100, confirmed the incident on the 16th, addressing concerns raised by netizens about the health implications...
EXO's Baekhyun Apologizes for Indoor Smoking In...
EXO's Baekhyun issues an apology for indoor smoking amidst backlash from fans. His agency, INB100, confirmed the incident on the 16th, addressing concerns raised by netizens about the health implications...
Kim Woo-bin Reflects on His Battle with Nasopha...
Shin Dong-yeop reminisced about past moments shared with Kim Woo-bin over drinks, bringing attention to Kim's significant health struggles. The actor, who has abstained from alcohol due to his battle...
Kim Woo-bin Reflects on His Battle with Nasopha...
Shin Dong-yeop reminisced about past moments shared with Kim Woo-bin over drinks, bringing attention to Kim's significant health struggles. The actor, who has abstained from alcohol due to his battle...
EXO's Baekhyun Faces Backlash for Indoor Smokin...
EXO's Baekhyun Faces Backlash for Smoking Indoors Baekhyun has come under fire after a video surfaced of him smoking indoors at what appears to be a restaurant, sparking widespread criticism...
EXO's Baekhyun Faces Backlash for Indoor Smokin...
EXO's Baekhyun Faces Backlash for Smoking Indoors Baekhyun has come under fire after a video surfaced of him smoking indoors at what appears to be a restaurant, sparking widespread criticism...